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Restarting The NZ Parent Resident Visa Category

Bernhard Kreber

The New Zealand Government is resuming the Parent Resident Visa category (PRV) after it was suspended for several years. This is good news for migrants who have settle in New Zealand and now want to bring their parents here.

The PRV is a 2-step process. First, the parent must submit an expression of interest (EOI) to apply for a PRV. If the parent’s EOI is drawn from the pool, then they can apply for a PRV.

Selection of existing EOI applicants for the PRV category starts on 14 November 2022. After this date, selections will be made every three months. EOIs that are already in the EOI pool will be selected on first come first serve basis. Annually, 2000 PRVs will be available to parents who are in the existing EOI pool until the backlog of existing EOIs is cleared.

The Government also announced a new ballot regime for new EOI applicants. This ballot opened on 12 October 2022. Annually, 500 PRVs will be available for new EOI applicants who are selected at random from this ballot. This number will increase to 2500 PRVs annually after the backlog of existing EOIs is cleared. An EOI application expires if it is not selected from the ballot within 2 years. The first EOI selection from the ballot will be in August 2023 so there is no rush to submit an EOI now.

To sponsor one parent, the sponsor (adult child) needs to earn 1.5 times the annual median wage. This increases to 2 times the annual median wage if the sponsor wants to bring two parents to New Zealand. The sponsor(s) must have earned this level of taxable income in at least 2 of the 3 years before the date the parent is invited to apply for a PRV. It now is possible for 2 adult children, rather than just one adult child and their partner, to combine their incomes to sponsor their parent(s).

To be granted a PRV, the parent must be of good health and character, and have a certain standard of English. If the parent is unable to meet the English standard, then there is the option to purchase English language tuition.

To find out if you or your parents qualify, or for any assistance in applying for residence, please contact BK Immigration Law NZ.

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